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 Анатолій : The Strelkov`s roots. The modern "Bastards" of Donbass 
Новость от Anatoliy Tkachenko

The Strelkov`s roots. The modern "Bastards" of  Donbass

100 years for history is not a term. You has looked back and realized what is going on. Two world wars, the revolution in Russia, the restoration of the Russian Empire`s borders under the guise of civil war and creation new state - the Soviet Union, a lot of revolutions, the coups d'état, small military conflicts around the world. All these events probably had taken more lives than in the previous few centuries people had died from the Inquisition, wars and epidemics. And of course we can talk about an unprecedented number of orphans. The terrible statistics and horrifying dynamics. And children still play in a war. They played 100 years ago and they play today.

And why not to play? Who didn`t want to be like legendary Chapay? And who didn`t admire The Elusive Avengers? Who didn`t want to be like Pokryshkin, who had demonstrated the aerobatic flights in the sky? Not many people did not envy the son of the regiment because of  the opportunity to grow up earlier than their peers. Someone played, and someone fought in their childhood.

How not to recall the film of Alexander Atanesyan "Bastards" by Vladimir Kunin`s novel! According to the plot, in 1943, a former prisoner - Colonel Vishnevetskii – prepared suicide diversionary group, which had to destroy the fuel of the German army. The diversionary group included boys, who was 14-15 years old and who didn`t have relatives.

For several months Teens had being taught how to sneak in the Nazi base and how to die. The main characters Cat and Tyapa - the only ones of the whole group who were still alive.
But would they be able to fulfill their mission? Would two teenagers stand against an army of Nazis? The film stirred society and divided it into two parts: someone talked about immorality and cynicism of using children for military tasks, especially for subversive activities, and someone said that all was fair in war.

The last ones, in their defense, tell us about using children by Nazi Germany to make diversions on the Soviet Union`s territory. It is interesting that training of the future young German spies was organized by the Abwehr and the Gestapo. Of course The Abwehr did more systematic work in this direction and made more impressive results. Children who know the horrors of the concentration camps, easy agreed to cooperate. A lot of them were thrown on the territory of the USSR and immediately gave up and told everything.  Although some of them did the job and returned to Germany. The Soviet Union didn`t fall behind. The orphanages were a good recruiting base for the future spies and punishers. Also some publications have appeared that the system of Suvorov military schools had the institutions that were subordinated to the NKVD. It trained young people in the interests of the agency. It is no secret that the priority in recruitment in the Suvorov schools was given to the children who had lost their parents in war.

Modern Russia can be called the most worthy successor the Stalinist regime and Nazi Germany, including in the matter of child exploitation for the military purposes.
If historians impressively prove that in matters of building a system of concentration camps was a legislator, Stalin, and Hitler was only an able pupil, the question of using children to carry out diversions in enemy territory is no common point of view. Two cannibalistic regimes equally well and independently generated criminal cynical ideas and implemented them.

At the same time Russia is preparing a new Ukraine "Janissaries". First they took our territory, now they set up our children against us. Education of children in the so-called "LNR" and "DNR" are beyond the scope of common sense. The Russians are brainwashed young people, and obviously prepare saboteurs and suicide bombers. The information about military camps for children from Donbass region has already appeared in mass-media. (http://blacksea.tv/vostok/detej-iz-luganska-otpravili-v-rossijskij-voennyj-lagerSo, it's not just horrible reality, it`s a threat to security of Ukrainians even in a peaceful area. For example, that camp successfully exists in Kstovo of the Nizhny Novgorod region of Russia. It created on the base of the training center of engineering troops of Russian Ministry of Defense and it is strongly supported by the aggressor country`s leadership. There are dozens such camps in Russia and Donbass region. Only on July 24 from the occupied Donetsk 300 children were sent to summer camp "Parus" in the Rostov region.

The separatists have voiced that about 2.5 thousand children will be sent to the Azov coast in the Rostov region. Teens will “improve their health” in an unusual way. There is official sites of this military camps, where they say that the children will learn to be responsible. And general survival courses are a "good deal." But the problem is much deeper and purpose of such institutions is more serious. The so-called "patriotic education" sets children against Ukraine, the Ukrainian government, and incites hatred against the Ukrainian people. In addition, children are taught the basics of military affairs. They walk in camouflage uniforms, they are taught to carry out diversions, to handle weapons, use explosives and the most importantly - do not fear death. But the main goal is to go against their own country for the sake of the pseudo republic, occupiers and terrorists.

In these military camps Russian curators selected the best of the best. They are looking at teens who can handle weapons, who is smart or crazy, who better lends itself to manipulation.
Then experts in carrying terrorist attacks and diversions (agents of the main intelligence administration - GRU) take care about these teens. They prepare young people in small groups to make terrorist attacks and diversions. The game becomes true. The psychologists say that involving children in war games and brainwashing young persons is a time bomb.  And it seems that now is the time bomb to explode. The Ukrainian intelligence agents have information that in the near future the separatists are going to use children for diversions on peace territory of Ukraine.

They`ve planned to carry out terrorist attacks, to make explosions in the most crowded places on the territory LNR and DNR with using children. After that teens will be successfully catch by  Ministry of State Security of the unrecognized republics and children will excitedly tell them, how they had special training in the camps of the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) where the “banderites” scoffed at them and how kids fulfill the job because of fear that their families would be killed if the kids do not fulfill the task.

Nor the Russian militaries nor the separatists can not send his fighters on the Ukrainian territory.  It`s too simple for Ukrainian soldiers catch them and make them talk. But children are different.

Everyone loves children love, trusts them, always trys to help. And no one can even imagine  that under the clothes of a young boy with an angelic face can be a suicide bomber's belt, and he, without batting an eye, would undermine itself and everything around him. Because some of the influential people in the uniform of "DNR" gave him the command to "kill Ukrops". Why is this issue so important right now? That because the leader of the so-called "DNR" Alexander Zakharchenko announced the attacks on the peaceful territory of Ukraine. After the assassination attempt on the leader of the "LNR" Igor Plotnitsky Zakharchenko blamed the Ukrainian government and declared that Kiev will receive a response. Now the Ukrainian intelligence warns of the danger of terrorist attacks on the peaceful territory of Ukraine with the children in a leading role.
How could we`ve ever thought that the story is so cyclical and everything is repeated. Once the enemy was trying to draw little Ukrainians against their own. In the days of the Cossacks the Turks raided the Ukraine and took the captives, among whom were small children. Then they raised their by own way. They were the most dangerous, especially cruel, unfeeling soldiers. Now, through the centuries Russian soldiers seems to have taken the lessons of history and prepare the new Ukraine "Janissaries".

The question of modern Russia not simply appeared and not for one day. Increasing the effectiveness of counter-intelligence and anti-sabotage activities doesn`t not make it possible to freely carry out special operations on the territory of Ukraine. "Fishing Network" is focused on adult, mature saboteur, gives him a head start at most a few days. Then the detention and honest confessions follow. And how the Russians cann`t think about the invaluable experience of its spiritual and ideological predecessors and mentors - the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Because, all is fair to achieve the result. Is it true Comrade Beria? (Is not it Herr Muller?). Children so kids. Why feel sorry for them? In the words of Comrade Zhukov, "women will give birth to another one."

It's not foolishness. It is known that in Russia the specialists are preparing young spies, who without any hesitation fulfill their task in Ukraine. A foundation to justify the terrorist attacks on the Ukrainian territory is preparing today. Russia launched the killing mechanism of its citizens in the border areas with Ukraine, and not only. This is done in order to accuse the Ukrainian special services. A dopey little boys with severe childhood are convinced that they will be able to become true heroes. Often, with the help of folklore, such as, " death is well for peace" to develop their willingness to make sacrifices for the sake of spreading the ideas of the "Russian world". That is, if in World War II recruitment of children was based on fear, but today it is a game of heroes who are ready to sacrifice their lives. Again, virtual reality, which has become part of our lives, at the subconscious level puts the installation in a child's head, which the heroes are always a few lives.

At this stage children do not need to think about that a few lives can be only in a computer game. Child's psychological immune system was disinhibited, which makes it relatively easy to put into his head any installation. It would seem, that there are kids, there is an ideological base for sacrifice for the sake of a great idea, there is suffering - a Russian-speaking compatriots of the world. It remains only to point the finger at the culprit of all misfortunes - to identify the enemy. But this issue has already been resolved. Over the past two years concrete image of the enemy has formed at the majority of representatives of the "Russian world". Enemy is Ukraine.

It could be so much more to tell about this cynical and criminal idea of using children for sabotage in Ukraine. There might be the specifics - geography, facts, figures, etc., where they are prepared, in what directions and how many people. But then how to be the people whose destiny has to tell the world about these crimes. Time Hague process has not yet come, and therefore too early to talk about the details and expose these people at risk. Punishing sword is still whistling in the Russia's air to ready to fall on the head of truth-seekers. It is difficult to live now an honest man.

- Комментарии -

"In a world where Islamic extremism threatens us all, putin decides to attack peaceful, Christian Ukraine- and with such unimaginable aggression. His hatred for Ukraine and its people (who include Russians who support Ukraine) is crystal clear- and his propaganda machine is built entirely on lies, deceit, misinformation and terrorism. What more proof do we need that putin is the worst enemy against Christianity, and a clearly a natural ally of Islamic State? He does the work of Islamic State for them. Putin is now also best friends with Erdogan, his Muslim equivalent. The ONLY difference between putin bin-Laden and Islamic State is that Islamic State don't lie about their intentions... that makes putin bin-Laden more dangerous in my view. The sooner the world wakes up to facts, the better. The sooner a brave Russian nationalist puts a bullet in putin's head, the better. A dead putin will save the lives of tens of thousands of Russians and Ukrainians, as well as prevent WWIII."
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Русские вы развязали с нами войну окупировали нашу территорию. Вы предагаете нам начать все с "Чистого Листа", мы можем согласиться при выполнении вами наших условий. Ну а теперь внимательно слушайте наши условия, которые вы должны обязательно выполнить, для восстановления нормальных отношений с нами и перейти к обсуждению "Чистого Листа"

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Один триллион долларов уложен 100-дол. купюрами составит высоту 1200 километров. Вот как воруют на россии Путин и его шайка. А теперь займемся подсчетами, сколько же Путин и его воровская шайка сперли денег? Какая всетаки будет высота (1200 км) и вес горы из украденных денег, если ее выложить 100-ми купюрами? И с какой скоростью они воруют?

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